Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Robot is No more Perfect

We always believed that one useless resource could always be replaced by another useless one ... this is no more true... Ppl started missing Babu ( yeah !! you heard it right ....it is babu)....

Let me try to characterize few properties of robot's replacement ....

Action1: Send a mail awaiting reply.
Responce: No responce.

Action2: Send a gentle reminder mail awaiting reply.
Responce: No responce.

Action3: Send a gentle reminder 2 mail awaiting reply.
Responce: No responce.

Action4: Conf call
EArlier Responce: (Oh I miss this one) Hi, this is vv speaking , i have the offshore team with me ..blah blah .....CRAP..CRAP....and more Crap..
Current One: No responce, Does not exist, go to Action1.

Q. What does management has to say on this?
A. Wel, I think communication is a problem with ONCs, we must send some mature ppl there, and we must pay respect to PL's (coz they miss it ;) ) so as to get it back in responce.

Management the CARM way !!!

Its a long time since our site has been inactive so I just thought why not shake up the dust a bit. Guys at some point or the other we have always proudly stated in our resumes that we have worked for a project called CARM. CARM has now extended its wings beyond IT. Its true, we have some solid management doctrines which we should copyright , lest it is borrowed by Wharton or Harvard. The last 6 months have taught me many new principles in management. I would like to share some of them with you guys.

1) The key to managing is to have more leaders than workers. We have successfully implemented this in our team and delivering excellent results. We have 1 PL , 2 designate TL's and 6 ML's (module leads) , 3 ONC's and some FR leads depending on the situation. So in a team of 25 people 14 people are managing. Amazing isn't it !!

2) Participate in all the activities that your PL does, even if you do not know how to participate, just be around. eg. If you don't know how to play carrom, watch your PL play and encourage him. If you do not want to go to the gym, just be beside him so that you can hold his towel. This encourages camaraderie. You come closer to a person.

3) If you are not confident about anything, talk a lot about that topic and confuse others. Confusion is the best solution when you do not have answers to a question.

I can go on and on but I'd rather let your creative juices flow, and moreover as a worker I do not have the luxury to fool around. I have to give estimates for a task of which I know nothing....