Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Minutes Of Meeting

cc steps over the happining cubicle.......

cc: Guys , quick meeting in 3.2.
vg: in 3.2 minutes ?
cc: No, in meeting room 3.2
vg: ok

[In room 3.2, all are seated , most of the ppl try (not)to grab a chair as of MoM fear]
bcc: Lets start with the last week open items. {from this point everybody fall asleep}
-Carm Application pending tasks ..blah blah. ..blah blah. ..blah blah. ..
-PR 4U3XACXXX Querys sent to ONC waiting for the resolution.
- [Increase the volume and looks fowrard ] : Sombody has to take the mom ....
rd: I m doing it
[A heavy stampede is audible , and SK steps in with coffee in one hand and mobile on other ]

bcc: we are just discussing the last weeks open items
sk: soooooooooooo.....where are we on FR 010105.001, i guess a **** and .........(a**** completes) su*** [look towards a*****]

as: we have developed the panel code with all the inputs which we have currently, we are waiting for the b/e to be up

sk: so have you done all the f/e coding, how much time we need more to complete the FR once the b/e is up.

as: We are on the track with the estimates, I can say we have done 60 % of the development.

sk: So once the b/e is up you only need to connect it ,RIGHT !

as: (thinking -but this is the most difficult part) Yes

sk: Good then I will put the status of FR as 95% done in the WSR.

sk: and FR002 , yes de***

dk: Ammm, we have sent the revised mock ups to ONC and Ammm we are waiting for the approval for them and Ammmmm looking forward Ammmmm we will be talking to business users also Ammmm

va: I don no , i mean ,the business is still not clear about it , they just want more and more mock ups as the requirements are changing continously (gives a 'i don know' expression)

sk: Guyssssss , for the same reason I have planned a trip for myself to bu*** I don understand why business don understand and freeze requirementsssssss. I am goin to take up this with TOM , as when they complain about the G**'s quality of deliverablesssssssss, here is the reason , the changing requirements.
[continues for 20mins , everybody is sleeping again ]

sk: and project 65

rd: License issues and no OnC cooperation and blah blah and no client cooperation and blah blah and no training and blah blah , we cannot give the estimates and blah blah [sk interrupts]

sk: Ok i will take this personally with tom.

suddenly vg wakes up......

vg: Probably we can have some testing scripts , as we can save out time in testing if we are able to , u no, executing test cases. I have spoke to some testing guys, they just have to write a script to automate .....[a interruption from cc occurs]

cc:As such we shud primarly focus upon functional knowledge, without which .....blah blah (which means my brain think it is futile to have a automated test case runner , otherwise what will d**** and su*** do )

vg: [blank face, hes nothing to argue with fools ]

sk: Yes cc is write , unlessssssssssss we have the proper functional understanding; we are not able to test them, as we dont even think about the test cAses.[thinking: Ohhh just escaped , otherwise these ppl will have made me to talk with testing ppl also ]

sk: Wel as I am going to resolveeeeeeeee business querys onsite , i will be joining withhhhh ma**** on 14th
[Everybody is amazed with the sk trip again]

va: For how much time are you going ?

sk: probably foooor two weeks [thinking....ha ha ha these idiots don even know, i m not going for business and all that shit , its all about money and power hahaha]

sk: [Looking everybodys face] any issueeeeeeees concernssssssss , ok so we end up here

cc stands first to open up the door for everybody...
and meeting is over!

.......The boring it is to read is as boring to attend........


At 3:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paradays laws of CARM

length of meeting is directly propotional to lack of resource utilisation

Everything has a purpose- bad ratings and less money included

Spell checking is Gods way of helping us improve ourselves

When in doubt,take notes.Green book mandatory.

When people cry out for opportunity-first bless them,then impress them.If nothing else works stuff their frigging mouths with samosas.Green chillies nahin hain kya ?

Code should always be commented,especially if it works,and the PART that works

The ONC is either drunk,mistaken,or simply missing indian women.Everything else is incidental and senti mental.

Try creating 20 thousand positions inside the project.Even if you dont get work for them,it will help people stay busy due to changes in Domino Doc rights

Sametime is a way to enhance business knowledge and strip the buggers without even looking at them

CARM provides all round growth-you end up all rounded.

Project change is very simple in CARM.Change over to fixing low priority bugs or even closed bugs.This leads to better performing code

Coding and delivery are very different activities in CARM - One may happen,the other may not.

CARM has been identified by CPI and Congress as a breeding ground for the next crop of Tejpur Line party workers.This position is code named TL for the time being.

Doubts shall be clarified only after 12 midnight,your time or buffalo time immaterial.

It is mandatory to recall a developer to attend to faulty telephone lines,check mail and sometimes review documents for code that may or may not be delivered.


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