Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Au revoir

I will be leaving GLT today and I will be leaving India next week, flying back to France and then later to UK.

How to write down in a mail two years of my life ...
How to thank all of you for making these two years unforgettable ...
Many of you tried to teach my Hindi, even if I was a very bad student I will always remember some of these expressions.
I taught some of you some French and very quickly I was hearing in my cubicle some "Bonjour, ca va?" in the morning and some "Au wevoiw" in the evening !
People in GLT have in them something special which is difficult to find elsewhere : dedication, friendship, happiness.
Of course, I feel I would need more time to enjoy all of that : some more months to write more Java code for Carm, some more time to visit all the places in India I still do not know, more coffee breaks with my friends, more lunches at the cafeteria (hmmmm, maybe I should stop here, else you might not believe what I am writing : but still I really enjoyed the Thursday Tava Bahji !), and more time with all of you.
Thanks for all the welcome, help and friendship you all gave me here.
I will go back to Europe with Jude, my son who was born here and I am sure he has in him a lot of this India that Raph a I loved.
Just looking at him we will always remember these two years.

All the best to all of you.
Chalo !
